All programs and related materials (craft materials, glues, paper, etc.) are fully supported by donations to the Friends of Richards Memorial Library.
Please consider joining the Friends with your donation starting at $5.
Without the generous support of our "Friends" we could not bring you programs.
Or donate to Summer Reading Programs
Please make checks out to
Friends of Richards Memorial Library
Wouyld you like to gift the library with something besides money?
This select list contains materials that we need for programs.
The items will directly benefit our library patrons.
Amazon Wish List
Contact the Director if you wish to donate new or recent (and working) computers, or other equipment or furnishings.
The library reserves the right to refuse items not currently needed.
Monetary donations toward purchases of new equipment or furnishings are always welcome.
Recent Donors
Liz & Andrew
Donation in honor of Newton family
Thank you!
For Friends membership, please see the Friends page.
If you have a book that you would like added to the library's shelves, please contact the library at
richards @
Please contact a librarian when considering a donation of an actual book or other item (as opposed to a monetary donation to purchase materials). The library adds new material according to our selection policy based on need, suitability, and other criteria. When donating money for new purchases, the library welcomes suggestions but reserves the right to select the actual titles.
Consider a small donation to purchase a book or other item in honor of someone else. For example, donate funds in celebration of a birth, in obsevance of a graduation or anniversary, or
in memory of a person who has passed. A Book Plate will be placed in the front of the book with a message.
"Given in Memory of Armand Gold, 1930-2005, by Fred Greene.”
"Given to celebrate the birth of Isabella Sulivan, born December 1, 2022.”
Please provide suggestions of a topic or title that would suit the honored person (the final purchase will be subject to the library’s usual selection guidelines).
Bear in mind that although most library materials have a limited shelf life due to wear and tear, an honorary gift will last longer than a flower bouquet or a restaurant meal.
Please contact the Library Director for more information on memorial or honorary gifts.
Please make the check out to Richards Memorial Library.
One way to leave a lasting impact on the library is to consider a major donation. Your generous donation will enable to library to continue to offer materials, programs, and services that are not funded by the library’s regular budget. These donations are typically given with the intent of investing the principal. The Richards Memorial Library Board of Trustees oversees our general trust funds and named funds. The Trusts are held by the Town of Paxton.
Here are some ways of establishing a named fund:
You may designate how you would prefer your funds to be used. Keep in mind that general guidelines are more helpful than those that are restrictive (e.g., funds for multi-cultural programs and materials, as opposed to a specifc genre of CDs for a specific age group). Trustees reserve the right to refuse funds that are overly restrictive or do not serve the library’s mission.
Existing major gifts:
Library STEM Grant (Created through a grant from the Barre Savings Bank Charitable Trust); additonal donations to this fund are being accepted.
Richards Memorial Library Trust Fund - to be used for the maintenance of the library
AT&T & Lucent and E. Bigelow - to be use for the care and maintenance of the Public Library
Howland - to be used for the purchase of books
Museum Pass Grant - (Created through a grant from the Barre Savings Bank Charitable Trust); additonal donations to this fund are being accepted.
The list of all town special revenue founds may be found on the Town of Paxton website.
Please contact the Library Director for more information on donatiing a major gift.
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