As a participant in the Library Incentive Grant/Municipal Equalization Grant (LIG/MEG) program administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, the Richards Memorial Library must comply with requirements regarding use of its collection that are specified in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 78, Section 19A & B and further defined in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (605 CMR 4.00).
- The Richards Memorial Library extends reciprocal borrowing privileges to residents of the Commonwealth who reside in communities that offer state certified library services. However, should a library lose its certification due to not meeting the Massachusetts state mandated requirements, Richards Memorial Library cannot loan to said residents of a non- certified town.
- The Richards Memorial Library continues to extend access to its materials for use in the library by all Massachusetts residents as required by 605 CMR 4.0 (1) which states that "all residents of the Commonwealth shall have access to its reading and reference rooms under the same conditions as the residents of the community.”
- Once a library is recertified, an immediate reinstatement of borrowing privileges will be provided to all affected borrowers.
- The Richards Memorial Library is a member of the CW/MARS library network that allows non-residents with valid CW/MARS library cards to borrow materials at any other library in that particular network.
- If your home library card is not a member of the CW/MARS network, the Richards Memorial Library reserves the right to require you to register in order to check out materials.
Last updated November 15, 2019.